It has been 11 months since the spread of Covid-19 in Wuhan and seven months since it spread all around the world.
Researches and scientists from every country and state in the world are constantly searching for answers so that they can create an antidote.
Countries like Russia, China and the US are very close to finding a vaccine for the virus. Although there is no cure, there are many new findings of the virus.
Some of these recent findings can help us combat the virus. Most of the findings are done using the data about coronavirus patients and cases from various countries.
Neanderthal Gene Responsible for Severe Covid-19 Infection:
Have you ever wondered why some countries are more vulnerable to Covid-19? While some countries like India and the US are badly affected, in Africa, the virus doesn’t spread at a faster rate.
The answer to this question lies in the Neanderthal gene. We all have studied about Neanderthal man in history. They are our early human forefathers who became extinct. However, their genes are passed down from one generation to another.
The people who have these group of genes are at high risk of Covid-19. There are 60% more chances of the worsening condition in people with the genes.
Out of all the world, nearly 30% of the population in South Asia have this gene. In Europe, 1 out of every six individuals has this gene. This gene is not present in East Asian and African people.

This is the reason why these areas are not affected badly compared to the European and South Asian region.
Superspreading Concept:
This finding is done by using the data from two Indian states, i.e. Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. Researchers have found out that not every Covid-19 positive individual spreads the virus.
Out of all the positive cases, 70% of the people doesn’t spread the virus any further. Only 30% of people spread the virus to others. The spreading of the virus is done by this 30% of people in known as super spreading. It means one person can spread the virus to just one person while another person that spread it to nearly 40 other people.
Less than 10% of total Covid-19 cases are the main reason behind spreading the virus to nearly 60% of the total population.
Shared Transport is Very Risky:
As we know, this virus is contagious. It can spread from one person to another. However, the risk of virus transmission depends on social settings. Community and Household transfer are less risky. On the other hand, the biggest risk lies in shared transport.
So it is better to avoid travelling together.
Children Play a Major Role in Transmission:
Research also shows that although this virus doesn’t affect the children badly, they are responsible for the transmission of the virus. They spread the virus amongst the elders.
Elderly People are at More Risk:
Because elders have a low mortality rate, they cannot fight the virus. In India, as the age increases the risk increases. People with more than 65 years of age have fewer chances to fight the virus.
Faster Deaths:
Research also shows that deaths are happening rapidly. Most of the people have died within five days of contracting the virus. It shows that India has poor healthcare facilities.